Configs and basic rcognita applications

RL and control theory are infamous for having overwhelmingly many entities to keep track of: agents, environments, models, training routines, integrators, predictors, observers, optimizers… Each of the above in turn has a number of parameters of its own, and to make things worse, your setup will most likely be highly sensitive to all of these. Therefore tweaking and tuning your setup may and will get tedeous unless you figure out a way to do it conveniently and systematically.

Enter hierarchical configs! Rcognita has a builtin hierarchical config pipeline built on top of hydra. It must be noted that a regular hydra config will run on rcognita just fine (but not vice versa), since rcognita includes all of the original features and syntaxes of hydra. However rcognita additionally provides convenient syntactic sugars that hydra does not posses.

This tutorial is focused on explaining the structure and intended workflow of rcognita from the perspective of the config paradigm.

The reader is encouraged to familiarize themselves with hydra. Some of the basic syntaxes along with the additional features will also be covered in the present tutorial.

The first two examples may have been reused elsewhere in the documentation, so be sure to skip them if you’ve already seen them.

Example 1: Basics

Consider the following files in your hypothetical project.

from import System
from rcognita.controllers import Controller

class MyRobotSystem(System):
    def __init__(self, x, y, z):

    def ...

class MyAgent(Controller):
    def __init__(self, a, b, c):

    def ...


rate: 0.1

initial_state: = numpy.zeros(5) # The '=' lets us evaluate this
                                # python code 'numpy.zeros(5)'

    _target_: my_utilities.MyRobotSystem # '_target_' is a special field
    x: 1                                 # that should point to a class
    y: 2
    z: 3

    _target_: my_utilities.MyAgent
    a: 3
    b: 4
    c: 5

import rcognita as r
from rcognita.simulator import Simulator
from rcognita.scenarios import EpisodicScenario
import my_utilities
import numpy

def my_app(config):
    robot = ~config.robot      # '~' instantiates the object
    controller = ~config.agent # described in the corresponding
                               # field. It makes use of '_target_'.
    simulator = Simulator(robot,
    scenario = EpisodicScenario(simulator, controller)

if __name__ == "__main__":

The above example project is the equivalent to the first example in section “What is rcognita?”. Here instead of providing args for MyRobotSystem and MyAgent inside the python script, we instead specify both the classes and their args in my_config.yaml.

Note, that the operator ~ is necessary to let rcognita know that the corresponding node within the config describes an instance of a class and we would like to instantiate it (as opposed to accessing it as a config-dictionary).

In other words ~config.robot evaluates to

<my_utilities.MyRobotSystem object at 0x7fe53aa39220>

, while config.robot evaluates to

{'_target_':'my_utilities.MyRobotSystem', 'x':1, 'y':2, 'z':3}

Example 2: Nested instantiation

Note, that when using this config paradigm nothing impedes us from instantiating literally everything directly inside the config, leaving the python script almost empty. Here’s an example of how this can be done:

from import System
from rcognita.controllers import Controller

class MyRobotSystem(System):
    def __init__(self, x, y, z):

    def ...

class MyAgent(Controller):
    def __init__(self, a, b, c):

    def ...


_target_: rcognita.scenarios.Scenario

    _target_: rcognita.simulator.Simulator
        _target_: my_utilities.MyRobotSystem
        x: 1
        y: 2
        z: 3
    initial_state: = numpy.zeros(5)
    sampling_time: 0.1

    _target_: my_utilities.MyAgent
    a: 3
    b: 4
    c: 5

import rcognita as r
import my_utilities
import numpy

 def my_app(config):
     scenario = ~config

 if __name__ == "__main__":

This way of doing it has numerous advantages. Notably, you can now conveniently override any input parameters, when running the script like so

python3 controller.a=10

or even

python3 simulator._target_=MyOwnBetterSimulator

Remark on overriding and forwarding

Sure, overriding individual parameters is nice, but writing simulator.system.x=3 can be rather inconvenient as compared to simply writing x=3.

Fortunately, rcognita’s configs have a feature that allows you to forward a variable by simply adding the following line to you config:


This way you can simply write

python3 x=10

and this will have the same effect as:

python3 simulator.system.x=10

Forwarding is intended to provide convenience for overriding the select few important parameters that may be deeply nested. Don’t overuse it though or you’ll lose the advantages of a hierarchical structure.

Example 3: Config groups

Sure, we can override a parameters or two, but what if we came up against a case when we want to be able swap out an entire agent or an entire environment without rewriting the whole config?

Consider the following example:

from import System
from rcognita.controllers import Controller

class MyRobotSystem(System):
    def __init__(self, x, y, z):

    def ...

class MyAgentReliable(Controller): ## You already know this one works
    def __init__(self, a, b, c):

    def ...

class MyAgentExperimental(Controller): ## Perhaps this one works even better
    def __init__(self, e, f, g, h):

    def ...


_target_: rcognita.scenarios.Scenario

    - controller: reliable

    _target_: rcognita.simulator.Simulator
        _target_: my_utilities.MyRobotSystem
        x: 1
        y: 2
        z: 3
    initial_state: = numpy.zeros(5)
    sampling_time: 0.1


_target_: my_utilities.MyAgentReliable
a: 4
b: 5
c: 6


_target_: my_utilities.MyAgentExperimental
e: 7
f: 8
g: 9
h: 10

import rcognita as r
import my_utilities
import numpy

 def my_app(config):
     scenario = ~config

 if __name__ == "__main__":

In the above project we are looking two alternative agents (controller): the first one called MyAgentReliable and the other called MyAgentExperimental.

Observe the default syntax in my_config.yaml. The line - controller: reliable makes it so that the node config.controller is populated by the contents of controller/reliable.yaml. In this case if you wanted to instead try out the experimental agent (described by controller/experimental.yaml) you would simply need to execute the following:

python3 controller=experimental

As simple as that!

Note that the directory controller matches the name of the node it populates.

Additional remarks on defaults

Consider the following:


    - file

The above code will populate config.yaml with the contents of file.yaml. This feature can help you avoid a lot of unnecessary rewriting and duplication.

Also, if you want to override a nested config group you need to use / instead of .. For instance, like so

python3 controller/something_inside_my_controller=experimental

Yes, this syntax is a bit strange since some of the things in between those / may not even be actual directories, but rather just names of nodes. This however lets hydra distinguish between overriding a variable and overriding a config. So if you were to instead execute

python3 controller.something_inside_the_controller=experimental

this would simply assign the string "experimental" to config.controller.something_inside_my_controller as opposed to swapping out the respective config file to experimental.yaml.

Example 4: Instantiating, referencing and inlining

Instantiation (~)

Imagine the following: you are building an agent that explicitly accounts for the error of the simulations (for the purpose of improving offline learning). To be able to extract the necessary data it needs to have access to the simulator instance. Here’s how you could go about doing it.

from import System
from rcognita.controllers import Controller

class MyRobotSystem(System):
    def __init__(self, x, y, z):

    def ...

class MyAgent(Controller):
    def __init__(self, simulator, a, b, c):
        self.simulator = simulator

    def ...


_target_: rcognita.scenarios.Scenario

    _target_: rcognita.simulator.Simulator
        _target_: my_utilities.MyRobotSystem
        x: 1
        y: 2
        z: 3
    initial_state: = numpy.zeros(5)
    sampling_time: 0.1

    _target_: my_utilities.MyAgent
    simulator: ~ simulator  ## This is where the magic happens.
    a: 3                    ## '~' instantiates config.simulator.
    b: 4                    ## Furthermore, this is going to be the exact
    c: 5                    ## same instance that is produced by ~config.simulator
                            ## when run in python

import rcognita as r
import my_utilities
import numpy

 def my_app(config):
     print(~config.simulator is config.controller.simulator)    ## Will output True
     print((~config).simulator is config.controller.simulator)   ## Will output True

 if __name__ == "__main__":

In configs ~ does the exact same thing that it does in Python: instantiates an object described by a config node (with a _target_).

The most important aspect of this feature is your ability to assign different references of the same instance. By default, ~ will create a reference to the same object that is created during recursive instantiation, when, for instance, running ~config. You can however insist on creating your own distinct instance by using

field: my_instance_name ~ other.field

field: ~ something is short for field: ~{something}.

Reference ($)

You can use $ to reference other fields within the config. For instance if the MyAgent only needs to know the absolute tolerance atol to account for the accuracy of simulation, then one could implement that in the following way:

from import System
from rcognita.controllers import Controller

class MyRobotSystem(System):
    def __init__(self, x, y, z):

    def ...

class MyAgent(Controller):
    def __init__(self, atol, a, b, c):

    def ...


_target_: rcognita.scenarios.Scenario

    _target_: rcognita.simulator.Simulator
        _target_: my_utilities.MyRobotSystem
        x: 1
        y: 2
        z: 3
    initial_state: = numpy.zeros(5)
    sampling_time: 0.1
    atol: 0.001

    _target_: my_utilities.MyAgent
    atol: $ simulator.atol  ## This will insert 0.001
    a: 3
    b: 4
    c: 5

field: $ something is short for field: ${something}. You can make use of that, whe you want to compose something out of different fields. For instance:

a: 1
b: 2
a_plus_b: = ${a} + ${b}

One could also use $ to references entire config nodes. For instance:

   _target_: builtins.dict
   x: 1
   y: 1
identical_to_stuff: $ stuff ## will be populated with contents of "stuff"

This will however result in stuff and identical_to_stuff being different instances. I.e. ~config.stuff is ~config.identical_to_stuff will evaluate to False.

$ is used for absolute references, while $$ is used for relative references.

Inline (=)

This one is pretty simple. All it does is it executes Python code. Make sure that the relevant modules are imported in your


pi: = numpy.pi

import numpy as np …

field: = something is short for field: ={something}.

Callbacks and Logging

In rcognita we avoid mixing logging routines with functional code. This is motivated by the fact that different applications may require very different logging behaviors from same objects. We thus introduce a lightweight event handling system that allows for flexible and convenient configuration of logging: Callbacks.

A callback is a callable equipped with a logger and an even handling routine.

Let’s write a callback the logs the objective every time it’s computed.

class ObjectiveCallback(Callback):
    def perform(obj, method, output):
        if method == 'objective':
            self.log(f"The current objective is equal to {output}.")

To make this callback work we would need to decorate the objective method with @rcognita.callbacks.apply_callbacks after decorating the respective class with @rcognita.callbacks.introduce_callbacks(). This will make objective trigger callback events. To make sure the event is handled we will also need to register the callback. There are two way of doing so.

You could either specify it in your Python script

import rcognita as r
import my_callbacks
import numpy

     callbacks=[my_callbacks.ObjectiveCallback], ## Do not instantiate it
 def my_app(config):

 if __name__ == "__main__":

or you could just write the following to your config: config.yaml

    - my_callbacks.ObjectiveCallback


The above will not mess with your instantiation parameters. config.callbacks gets deleted automatically as soon as rcognita extracts the callbacks from it.

By default rcognita creates its own Logger instance and passes it to the callbacks. You can insist on your own logger with @r.main(logger=..., ...).

If you’d like to know more, be sure to read the relevant API Docs.

What if I still don’t know what I’m doing?

If after reading these tutorials you still don’t quite know where to start, do not be discouraged. You are now well equipped to understand the presets provided in rcognita’s repository. As soon as you examine a few of them, you should be able to write code of your own. In fact many of the presets can likely be conveniently repurposed for your own projects.

Be sure to hit the API Docs when in doubt, and good luck with your experiments!